
听听我们的客户对我们在弗吉尼亚州易博胜体育app下载的服务有什么看法. 特纳餐厅的服务质量好吗? 如果你愿意,我们将不胜感激 给我们写一篇谷歌评论!


我打电话给你们公司征求第二意见. Masters was the company that told me we needed a new heat pump 和 was on the verge of a total breakdown.

我打电话给你们公司,格雷格出来检查系统. 我很高兴知道系统不需要更换. 格雷格确实建议我们更换易博胜体育app下载器,我们也这么做了. 我对贵公司的诚实非常满意. I will definitely call you for all my heating 和 air conditioning needs. 我也会把贵公司推荐给我所有的邻居.


D. 狐狸

This is a note of appreciation to 易胜博ysb体育mpany for the excellent 暖通易博胜体育app下载 services they recently performed in my home. 因为普通的荣誉是如此容易被丢弃, I think a few specifics make it easier for an average person to underst和 why I am taking the time to write this note. 这所房子大约有7年的历史,有2个暖通易博胜体育app下载系统. 一个在阁楼,一个在地下室. Even though I have had a service contract on both systems with one of Turners competitors for this entire period, 我几乎每年都会遇到性能问题. When I cut the A/C units on for the first time this spring 和 found that neither was working, my wife 和 I decided that enough was enough 和 decided to finally explore repair 和/or replacement alternatives. I solicited quotes from several companies including Turner’s, who had been recommended to us. 在评估了价格、产品、服务等之后., we decided that Turner’s looked to be the one that provided the best value, 所以我们和他们签了合同. 多么伟大的决定啊!

以实际安装时间为准, 特纳公司仍代表我们与制造商合作, 试图获得更好的价格或系统升级. 安装体验无干扰,无事件. The installation crew was, to the man, knowledgeable, 好吧 spoken, friendly 和 sharp in appearance. 换句话说,他们很专业. They examined everything in detail including the attic, vents 和 ductwork. Through this examination they found multiple efficiency issues including gaping holes where my vents intersect the ducts. These items were apparently overlooked by the previous service contract company for years. Appropriate repairs were made 和 the units were installed 准时 和 without a hitch.


  1. Is a family oriented organization that seems to adhere to traditional values.
  2. Is a very professional company from the owner to the front office to the crews. They answer all questions in detail 和 volunteer information 和 ideas where appropriate.
  3. Not only does quality work but provides a very neat 和 clean end product.
  4. 坚守他们的诺言. 没有惊喜,没有隐性成本,也不会让你筋疲力尽.
  5. 工作完成前后是否容易易胜博ysb体育.
  6. 价格很有竞争力吗.
  7. Obviously works hard making sure all representatives underst和 customer service.

总之,我们认为易胜博ysb体育是一个守门员. They exceeded our expectations by a long shot 和 we will recommend them to everyone we know. For all that may read this note, please do yourself a favor 和 give Turner’s a call. 你会很高兴你这么做了.


亲爱的先生. 特纳:

On rare occasions, too rare in fact, the opportunity arises to cite someone foroutst和ing service. That opportunity presented on 5 April 2012 when Charlie arrived for our cooling system’s annual service.

在他的服役期间, Charlie impressed us with outst和ing technical expertise coupled with outst和ing personal traits. Technical issues were explained clearly 和 concisely in such a manner that demonstrated a 好吧-spring of knowledge. Further explanations were rendered with great courtesy 和 patience not unlike that chronicled of

工作. 有时,他甚至设法加入一点幽默, 这在几乎所有情况下都很有效. Delivering customer satisfaction was showcased in every way 和 was obviously of the utmost importance to him, explaining to us in great detail that our system is mechanically sound 和 has been restored to peak efficiency.

Perhaps the most noteworthy observation of all was Charlie’s loyalty 和 maturity. Without question he was keenly aware that he stood squarely between owner 和 home owner 和 relished being cast in that position — prepared to experience credit or criticism from either. 此外, Charlie continually projected a positive attitude — conspicuous by its silence yet speaking volumes — that both would experience a win-win situation.

Over the years, this has been typical of the service rendered us by Charlie. 通过这样做, Charlie not only reflects great credit upon himself but upon Turner Service Company as 好吧.





    友好的有礼貌 , went beyond the initial problem to check all factors that may have contributed to my heating issue. Joe took several extra steps to isolate the issue 和 spent the necessary time to check all factors, 从恒温器到元件.

    - cj w.、谷歌评论

    我们在一个寒冷的早晨醒来,发现炉子坏了. 我打电话给特纳,几个小时后他们就出来了, 发现问题, 修复immediately. 很高兴我们不用忍受没有暖气的寒冷! 蒂姆很棒, 非常友好,随时欢迎他的工作!


    DJ是 超级乐于助人,彬彬有礼. 他来到我的公寓 准时 向我介绍了他对这个问题的评价. He provided me with all of my options 和 allowed me to decide how to proceed. 将 绝对推荐特纳的服务!


    我对他们的客户服务和技术熟练程度非常满意. 这些技术人员 诚实和解释 好吧. I plan to continue to use Turner’s for 暖通易博胜体育app下载 servicing 和 would give them a 强烈建议.


    Very thorough, very friendly, was detailed about the use 和 operating instructions. 特纳是一家你可以信任的公司t. 他们不是想向你追加推销,而是 让你成为一个忠实的客户. 我已经用了很多年了 满足我的暖通易博胜体育app下载维护和维修需求.


    特纳的技师 准时到达 听了我们易胜博ysb体育易博胜体育app下载的问题. He thoroughly checked it out, explained everything 和 was able to find the issue. 乔很棒. 我将 强烈推荐 易胜博ysb体育. 寻找暖通易博胜体育app下载公司的人.



When you give the Turner's team a call, you can count on same day service! Open 24/7, our team is always ready to provide you with an exceptional experience. When you choose Turner's, you can trust that our team will be there for you no matter what time!
我们的服务专家与不断发展的技术保持同步, 为您定制设计理想的解决方案, 并坚持严格的安装和维护程序. You can feel safe the each one of our staff is a professional who lives up to our mission of providing excellent customer service.
清晰的 & 前期的价格
We provide honest 和 reliable pricing to all our customers because we care about providing an epic experience to you 和 your family! 当你拿起电话打给我们团队的时候, you can rest easy knowing that you are quoted with transparent pricing- no surprises here!
    When you give the Turner's team a call, you can count on same day service! Open 24/7, our team is always ready to provide you with an exceptional experience. When you choose Turner's, you can trust that our team will be there for you no matter what time!
    我们的服务专家与不断发展的技术保持同步, 为您定制设计理想的解决方案, 并坚持严格的安装和维护程序. You can feel safe the each one of our staff is a professional who lives up to our mission of providing excellent customer service.
    清晰的 & 前期的价格
    We provide honest 和 reliable pricing to all our customers because we care about providing an epic experience to you 和 your family! 当你拿起电话打给我们团队的时候, you can rest easy knowing that you are quoted with transparent pricing- no surprises here!


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